At least twice a week someone tells me that they admire my style. I'm not saying that to be boastful. I'm vain, I know, but I did not set up a brand new blog just to pass on the compliments I get. No, I mention it because it's usually followed by someone asking me where I get my stuff, or where I get my inspiration, or (most usually, and most discouraging) by saying, "I could never...(think of that, look the way you do, get away with being so...SO)" Yes, mes amis, you can! You don't have to make your own skirts - which I occasionally do - or buy from independent artists - which I often do - or spend scads of cash and time in dusty thrift stores at the end of Lower Decatur Street in New Orleans wondering if a silk organza dress two sizes two small is worth buying for $8 if it's pretty easy to let out the seams or take the bodice off so the skirt fits sort of properly. You
already have a closet full of beautiful. The difference between you and me is that you are saving it for best, and I wear it. That's it! That's all! I am penning this blog as a call to arms, so to speak. Stop keeping your loveliest things in dark closets and drawers! Stop fretting that you will ruin them or lose them or look ridiculous! If they make you happy, WEAR them. As a matter of fact, what is the purpose of keeping that French chocolate so long it develops a bloom and doesn't taste as delicious? The vintage teacups and saucers don't care if it's someone's wedding shower. You may have whipped cream on your coffee in the morning if you want to. Sweetened, even. And why would you spend $30 on lipstick you adore if you never wear it out of the house? Allow yourself beauty. It doesn't take anymore effort or time than allowing yourself convenience. And once you have done that, you should post a picture of yourself enjoying your marvelous good taste. Just leave a comment or email me and I will gladly let you put it up or even put it up for you, if you don't feel like writing a blog post about it.

I am kicking things off by posting the things I am wearing today that are gorgeous. I have no special plans, no one will see me who hasn't witnessed me in my pajamas and unwashed hair, I'm not going anywhere but the post office and perhaps the grocery store. I have a baby pink cobweb sweater with organza ribbon details on the neck, a vintage silk scarf in pastel shades that is both warm and delicate, and the filigree earrings that S. gave me last year for my birthday (I think. Maybe it was Christmas.) I refuse to let these linger unloved and unworn any longer.
Now you. Just choose one perfect thing you have, put it on before you leave the house (pearls with your t-shirt? Your
blue satin d'orsay heels with your jeans and sweater? Urban Decay eyeshadow in
Flipside? Do it! ) and snap a picture. That's all there is to it.
this is wonderful. and now that I live in a warm place I can take out my nice things