It occurs to me that I was rather vague in my instructions on how exactly you could find your gorgeous picture of you sporting the marvelous things you adore right here in this very space for the rest of us to coo over. Here are your options:
1) Email or Facebook me a picture of yourself and your fabulosity and what you feel we need to know about it (its provenance or its fiber content, whatever) and I will write your post for you using glowing adjectives to properly convey the wonderment I feel.
2) Email or Facebook me and politely request that I add you an author of this blog, and I will sent you a formal invitation through Blogger to be a co-host of this virtual party, and you can pen your own glowing adjectives.
3) Start your own version of this blog, and somehow make me aware of its existence, and I will link to it.
4) Wear your amazing ensemble someplace I am likely to be and have my camera - every other Sunday at the radio station is a good choice, 8:15 a.m. at the Backdoor is not - and I will take your photograph and then refer to step 1).
Please feel free to do my busywork for me and refer your stylish and adorable comrades to this site as well. I don't mind plastering strangers' pictures all over the Interwebz if they don't mind emailing them to me!

And here is my poorly photographed effort for today: a wool flannel skirt in charcoal that I bought on sale from Victoria's Secret last winter for $10, a Joan Holloway-esque navy sweater with 3/4 sleeves and a tie at the neck, black pearl earrings, and a huge burgundy flower that I think was once a pin that I have attached to a headband. I also wore a pair of black lace tights and black ballet slippers.
And now you!